Welcome to The 1 in 50, a podcast from the Brain Aneurysm Foundation hosted by Executive Director Christine Buckley.

Our goal is for The 1 in 50 to provide a platform for sharing stories, insights, and strategies. While we know a lot about the disease, we still don’t know why aneurysms rupture when they do. Raising awareness is key to preventing them before they happen – and when they do, we want to ensure people know there is a community waiting to provide support. 

This podcast won’t provide medical advice—that’s for your doctor. But we will pull on threads that are a consistent part of the story – the indiscriminate nature of the disease, the suddenness of onset, and the all too common question “what could I have done to prevent this?” 

1 in 50 is the number of people living every day with an unruptured aneurysm. Two percent of the population! And while odds are that most will never suffer a rupture – simply understanding what a brain aneurysm is and what can be done about it, can help avoid a tragic event for individuals or their loved ones.